Can I do it?
I am feeling a need to create. How do I know? Because I am prowling around the house or wandering over the hills and getting snippets of ideas which I write in my notebook. But what I want to do has no shape and no theme and my wife tells me I am misbehaving.
"You need to write a book, dearest," she says from a distance. "You are thinking too much."
Yes, she is right, of course, but I am thrashing about, searching for an idea. So - please don't ask me about characters!
What I need are a few constraints.
"Constraints," I hear you say. "What you writers need is freedom to be, to write, to imagine and to create."
Well, maybe. But I have heard it said that Newton came up with the theory of calculus during a period of quarantine while Shakespeare wrote King Lear in similar conditions.
Perhaps my own problem is one of choice, and I am the shopper faced with a plethora of jams to choose from and paralysed by the options.
Yes, what I need are some constraints but I have none. So, I should create them. Perhaps, I could write with no adjectives or adverbs and change my style by lengthening sentences or setting a page count. After all, artists do this all the time by, for example, restricting their time and drawing a portrait in 2 minutes or even less. They could also start their work by drawing a purple line across the canvass so that choices are limited and the imagination is stretched.
I have already begun this process of limitations. The beginning of this blog begins with the question: Can I do it?
Do what?
Well, I have tried to write this blog without adjectives. Have I succeeded?