Look at the pics below. I posted them because these images have one thing in common. I will tell you about that later, but first look at the pics again and think for a moment. Who might
be more likely to eat the food depicted? A child or an adult? And do you think a woman or a man would eat such food?
Suppose I told you that one of the "eaters" was a musician, another had no occupation, while the others were described as a labourer, a roofer and a carpenter. Would you be able to match the food with the eaters more easily?
And what about education? Do you think there is a link between levels of education and food choices? Five individuals chose these items as their favourite food. Does the food itself suggests a high or low educational level? The five individuals had, on average, 6 years of formal education. Seems low, doesn't it, but there were no details about one of the "eaters" and so the average was lower than it should have been.
Suppose the eater of the ice-cream said:
"I'd like to thank my family for loving me and taking care of me. And the rest of the world can kiss my ass."
What does this say about him/her? Is s/he antisocial or a psychopath? Why might he be like that? Another eater said:
"Hopefully, we will all learn something about ourselves and each other. And we will learn to stop the cycle of hate and vengeance and come to value what is really going on in this world."
Are you getting an idea about who these people are? Presidents of the US? Sporting heroes? You might hope not. After all, the educational levels are too low for a president and sporting heroes might opt for food which might be described as healthier.
So, suppose I asked you this. "What would you say in a final statement to the world and what would you choose as your last meal if you were on death row and about to be executed?" The meals above were chosen by 5 such people in the 1990s.